Innovative flavours
Flavours flavours flavours!
In picking out your favorite drink or even meal, is flavour not the most important aspect that you go for? Despite the health benefits it brings, we can all agree on one thing! And that is that may it be a young customer or someone much older but food with great flavour always leave the shelves first!
With fast food filling up stores and restaurants, we have grown to become used to eating out of these places at all times, as these places are generally cheaper, easier to access and provide flavorsome food. Most places provide delivery too and separate delivery deals and menus which make it even more tempting to order from these restaurants!
However, have you paused to think about the consequences and adverse health effects regularly eating fast food could bring? While it not only puts you out of shape with the heaps of calories they contain, it also makes you more addicted to its preservative infused food, making it difficult for you to stop revisiting those shops.
It's time to stop! It really is! If not now, when?
If not at once, gradually at least.
It will rather difficult at first, may also seem impossible, however with juice diets in Dubai now reaching its peak, all our unhealthy habits seem not too hard to be dealt with.
You can start the cleanse with a three day program and if it's the flavour of raw and pure vegan food that you're not appealed by, give Organic Press's juices a shot. We have various vegetables, fruit and nut drinks, all made through locally sourced ingredients. We also provide activated charcoal drinks, which will allow you to stay, boosted and energized throughout the day, thus making you not as tempted to go eat junk food as opposed to your daily routine!
Our products can be delivered if you place the order before 11 am on the same day itself to any location within Dubai, which also make it convenient for you, especially if you are someone that works and finds it difficult to make your own juices at home.
While making your own juices at home too is an option for you, if you are trying to stick to a healthy diet and lose a few pounds, our blends of fruits and vegetables will give you that unique flavour which you simply cannot get trying to make it at home. This is because of the cold pressed process we use, as it prevents most air from mixing in with the juice and the juice is not exposed to any heat. Our blends include flavours such as,
- Pineapple, apple, mist
- Kale, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, chlorella, lemon, celery
- Activate charcoal, lemon, cayenne, purified water, and agave
And these are just a few of our options.
We also provide one of the most delicious coconut water drinks in Dubai, as claimed by many. Our variations in flavour is certainly going to keep you going, once you have started your diet and three days of diet won't seem as difficult once you feel comfortable with our completely organic and raw smoothies.