Organic Press's Guide To Living Well



  WOULD YOU EVER talk to a friend the way you talk to yourself on your worst days? It’s easy to identify with our inner critic, but we’re often intolerant toward ourselves in a way we’d never be with others. This kind of conditional self-love is most common among women – even the confident ones. Women’s wellness pro and PCOS expert, Nicole Granato, sees the impact of body image issues and low self-worth every day with her clients. We challenge you to take her advice for cultivating a better body image and deeper sense of self-love… As women, we constantly feel the need to change...

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Apple Cider Vinegar & It's Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar & It's Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar & It's Health Benefits Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy. People have used it for centuries in cooking and medicine.Many people claim it can relieve a wide range of health issues, but you may wonder what the research says.Apple cider vinegar has various healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. What’s more, evidence suggests it may offer health benefits, such as aiding weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving the symptoms of diabetes. In this blog, we look at the evidence behind 6 possible health benefits of apple cider vinegar.1. High in...

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Juicing for Hydration, Endurance & your Skin during Ramadan 😍💦

Juicing for Hydration, Endurance & your Skin during Ramadan 😍💦

  As the Month of Ramadan is here for us all over the world, many may be wondering if there is anything that can be done to stay hydrated and with less fatigue on the body, and the answer of course is: YES there is! 🙌 Practically speaking there are only two times that one will have to hydrate themselves during Ramadan; and that would be either at the pre-dawn (before the actual rise of the sun) meal known as ‘Suhour’ or after the setting of the sun with the meal known as ‘Iftar’.  It is very important to stay as...

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Juicing: Boost your Immune System to Fight Off Disease

Juicing: Boost your Immune System to Fight Off Disease

  In light of the health concerns surrounding our community as of late, we feel a great responsibility in protecting those around us. To all the members of our Juicing Family, we would like to stress the importance of keeping your immune system at its optimal state. Please take a minute and read our tips on staying as safe and healthy as you can be in these uncertain times.As we are all aware, the Corona Virus is a test for all of us and we will prevail. Aside from washing our hands and keeping yourself from public places with large...

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What is Collagen? & Why it's so Important?

Did you know there’s a glue that holds your body together? No, it’s not almond butter. It’s collagen. Without collagen, your skin would be dry and thin, your nails would be brittle, your muscles couldn’t grow, and your bones would be extremely fragile. You may have heard that collagen can be good for your skin, but there’s a secret the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know: collagen does nothing for your skin, hair, or nails when it’s applied topically. In fact, the molecule is too big to be absorbed by the skin. Collagen has to be consumed to reap all...

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7 Reasons Why You Should Drink a Green Juice Everyday

Green juices are the rock stars of the health world. They condense several servings of fruit, vegetables, and other superfoods into a single, easy-to-consume drink. Because so much is packed into one drink, green juices are incredibly nutrient-dense and have an impressive list of health benefits.That’s why they have so much appeal. There is simply no other way to provide this many benefits and nutrients in a single serving. Nothing compares.Here are seven benefits you can expect with a daily green juice.1. Alkalizes the BodyYour body’s pH is like the Goldilocks principle. It can’t be too acidic. It can’t be...

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