How Juicing Can Aid in Weight Loss

Once of the main benefits of commencing a Juice Cleanse is the vast influx of micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals to your body that your body needs to function, at the same time giving your digestive system a break from solid foods, which results in an aid to weight loss.

Below, are the 3 most widely used juice cleanse programs to aid in weight loss. The stronger and more advanced program achieves greater results, due to the high vegetable concentration. After completing a juice cleanse of 3 days or more, your body is said to rid of any excess water & bloating. With this, it is known that most lose anywhere between 1-3 kgs of water weight. After completing a juice cleanse, it is recommended to slowly incorporate high protein foods into your diet, with your carbohydrate sources coming solely from vegetables. What you want to avoid for the first 2 weeks are high starchy foods that retain water, like rice, bread & potato. 

Below, are the 3 most widely used juice cleanse programs to aid in weight loss. The stronger and more advanced program achieves greater results, due to the high vegetable concentration.

*It is highly recommended to follow a high protein, low carbohydrate diet for the first few weeks after your cleanse to achieve maximum results. Remember to always stay hydrated.
