As the Month of Ramadan is here for us all over the world, many may be wondering if there is anything that can be done to stay hydrated and with less fatigue on the body, and the answer of course is: YES there is! 🙌

Practically speaking there are only two times that one will have to hydrate themselves during Ramadan; and that would be either at the pre-dawn (before the actual rise of the sun) meal known as ‘Suhour’ or after the setting of the sun with the meal known as ‘Iftar’.  It is very important to stay as hydrated as much as possible this year, especially since Ramadan falls in June this time (Talk about HOT). For the most part there are many who do just fine with one glass of water and dates before the rise of the sun; you would have to know your own body and temperature type. Yet if you are like the majority of us, then you may have experienced lack of hydration about the time Asr (afternoon) prayer comes in, only to wobble into the remaining hours until it is time to break the fast. Yet this hydration fatigue isn’t necessary if you know what fruits and vegetables to juice either before or after the fast. Here is a list of the most hydrating fruits & vegetables 💦

Cucumbers, Lettuce, Pineapple, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Watermelon, Melon, Celery, Broccoli, Peaches, Carrots, Plums, Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Coconut Water, Aloe Vera Water

*All of these have water content of over 88%  by weight with, cucumbers being the highest of 97%

 Inshallah, adding these foods into your Suhour or Iftar meals should provide some relief for people who deal with severe dehydration. Having Juices including these ingredients will be of better effect because the contents will have been broken down and then micro-nutrients released which means more energy and endurance for your fasting. The Organic Press Team would like to wish all a blessed and safe Ramadan to you and your families 😘🌙

Here is a list of Juices that would be great for Hydration, Endurance & Your Skin.

Nine Essentials 🍏

Mean Green 🥦

Tropical Bliss 🍍

Beet It 🥕

Blue Heaven 💦

Turmeric Twist 🍊

Coconut Water 🥥 

Aloe Vera Water 💧

Berry Blast 🍓
